
Love God

Love People

Serve the World


Love God

Love People

Serve the World


Love God

Love People

Serve the World


Love God

Love People

Serve the World

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We hope you find Christian Layman Church welcoming, relevant and a place where you can encounter God. We hope you browse our website and more importantly, we invite you to join us in person on Sunday mornings at 10:30am to participate and experience all that God has for you!

If there is anything we can do for you or if there is a specific way that we can be praying for you…please feel free to CONTACT us!

JOIN US SUNDAYS at 10:30am!
7900 Mountain Blvd.Oakland, CA 94605

Our Mission

To make disciples who

Love God

We desire to be in close relationship with God, transformed by the Word. We want to be “all in” for Jesus. 

Love People

We build community through healthy relationships. We seek connection...especially with those different from us.

Serve the World

We work to make a difference outside the church. We give money, time, and resources to help our local community and beyond.

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