Jesus: Worth the Wait

December 13, 2020
Pastor Calvin Yim
Luke 2:36-38 (NLT)
Audio only

Advent Reading by the Liao Family

Drama by Lauren Jiang

Message by Pastor Calvin Yim

To experience his example on waiting please see the video.

Jesus: Worth the Wait

Waiting with great expectation for the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, hope for the world. Waiting is so very hard to do. Regardless of the circumstances for the waiting, we are not wired to be comfortable with it, especially in a modern world of microwaves and instant gratification. But waiting is what God asks us to do, because we become still, attentive, and focused. Anna was waiting at the temple expectantly for the Savior. And there appeared baby Jesus with Mary and Joseph.            

From the example of Anna, the Prophetess:    1. Waiting to worship (v.36-37) 2. Waiting means giving up things (v.37) 3. Waiting with anticipation (v.38)

Main Takeaway: Jesus is the gift worth the wait.

Action: This Advent, what will you give up, or better yet offer, to God as you wait?

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