Christ in Us

March 28, 2021
Pastor Ben Cha
Matthew 9:35-37
Audio only

When Jesus said "Follow Me" to the disciples, they didn't envision following Jesus to the ends of the earth. Thomas to the West Indies, Mark to Alexandria and Barnabas to Cyprus. But why...well Apostle Paul shared with the Galatians that as I'm in Christ I must preach to the gentiles. Well then, all those who are in Christ (believers) do we preach the gospel let along willing to go the ends of the earth. In this last sermon of the "Follow Me" series, I want to share with you all that one key ingredient that made Paul and others set apart. The willingness to share with the gentiles and to the rest of the unreached world. That one key ingredient, "Compassion of Jesus Christ!"

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Mar. 28, 2021 Worship Service