A Very Special Gift

December 12, 2021
Pastor Ben Cha
Matthew 2:1-20
Audio only

This is the time of the years where we might be thinking, gifts, "Oh, it's a pain!"  I have to give a gift to somebody. The Wise Men came bearing three gifts - gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  These gifts were monetary and physical gifts.  Their value is only good on this earth.  But the gift, "A very special gift" given through Jesus Christ is monumental, revolutionary.  A spiritual gift that is valuable in the court of heaven in time as well as in eternity.  The wise men gifts were costly, expensive but it didn't cost them everything.  Ahh. but this gift. A very special gift cost God everything.  You see God left heaven and came to this earth and he humbled himself to be born in a manger and He poured himself out so that we could have eternal life.  And in today's message we are going to unbox a gift that God gave.  A reflection of His love and generosity.  "For God so loved.....that He gave....."

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Dec. 12 Worship Service