Street Meal June 2023

Help prepare meals and more

Jun 10, 2023


Jun 10, 2023

First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley

Street Meal provides meals to the homeless, unemployed, retirees, and those with food insecurities twice a month. On Saturday, June 10 from 3 - 6:30 pm., we canhelp prepare food, serve it, and clean up afterwards If working in the kitchen is not for you, a few people are needed at 2 pm to help with hospitality - set up coffee/snacks, play board games, and distribute clothing/toiletries. Please respond to Jesse if you're available to help. Youth, college students, and adults are welcome to volunteer.First Presbyterian Church is located at 2407 Dana Street (at Channing Way) in Berkeley. There is free parking in the underground garage for volunteers (come to the kitchen for a parking pass).