CLC Annual Meeting

Feb 25, 2024


Feb 25, 2024

CLC Sanctuary

You are invited to attend the CLC Annual meeting, on Sunday, February 25, 2024. It will start immediately after service in the Sanctuary, then lunch will be served in the Fellowship Hall.

Please RSVP to the Evite ONLY IF you wish to stay and EAT LUNCH after the Annual Meeting.

Remember that we need all CLC Members to officially "SIGN-IN" on the Annual Meeting day! Make sure to sign the CLC Membership Meeting Roster when you arrive on Sunday morning in the Sanctuary foyer!

We also need you, as a CLC Member to reaffirm 2 current CLC Board members. Collin Tomikawa and Rick Quon need your reaffirmation to continue serving on the Board of Directors along with Sylvia Chin. Jared Lucas, will be stepping down from the Board of Directors as his term ended. We want to thank Jared Lucas for his leadership and wisdom during his service as Board Chairman.

Attached you will find the CLC Annual Meeting minutes from last year's Feb. 26, 2023 Annual Meeting. We will be approving these minutes at the beginning of the Annual Meeting!

CLC Members are highly encouraged to attend the CLC Annual Meeting, all CLC'es are invited to attend.

Please remember to click this----> RSVP for lunch and click here---> reaffirm the Board Members, as soon as possible.

Hope to see you at the Annual Meeting!

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