100 for $100

Jul 10, 2022


Nov 6, 2022


Join the CLC Social Justice Team aka SOJU Team for a campaign to raise $10,000. This amount will be matched so that $20,000 can be released to support partnering Social Justice Ministries as a way to thank God for HIS goodness over the past 100 years! We are asking for 100 people to give $100. The groups we will donate funds to are:

  1. Root Clinic
  2. Oakland International High
  3. Urban Mentors
  4. East Bay Housing Organization
  5. Christians for Social Actions
  6. Foster the City
  7. Faith for Justice
  8. Children Rising
  9. Safe Passages
  10. Black Girls code

To Donate:

Write in the memo "100 for 100". If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Ben Cha.