Doing the Unthinkable

February 6, 2022
Pastor Calvin Yim
Matthew 5:38-48
Audio only

A harsh perspective about life goes like this: "Life is hard, then you die." In our lifetime there's enough ordinary challenges that keep us struggling. You would think not doing unusual and extraordinary things would be justified and okay. But in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us exactly that, to go beyond the norm.

In Matthew 5:38-48 Jesus gives us 3 unthinkables:

  1. Service, not vengeance (v.39-42)
  2. Love your enemy as your neighbor (v.44-47)
  3. Be perfect in love (v.48)

Challenge: In love Jesus did the unthinkable for us, so can we do unthinkables for him?

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Feb. 6, 2022 Worship Service